Saturday 18 November 2017

Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia Gravis word is derived fro Greek word "Mys" means "Muscles" and Astheneia means "Weakness". "Gravis" is Latin word means "Serious". It can occur in both sexes but women below 50 years of age are most commonly affected. MG is due to defective impulse transmission to impulse at neuromuscular Junction. Acetylcholine is responsoble for impulse transmission at neuromuscular Junction to produce muscle contraction. In MG number of Acetylcholine nicotinc receptors decreases, thus Ach does not transmit impulse properly for muscle contraction. This produces muscle weakness symptoms in MG.

  • 1. Anticholinesterase Drugs: They prolong action of endogenous acetylcholine at neuromuscular junction. Thus they enhance neuromuscular transmission.
    •       Neostigmine 50 mg TDS
  •                 Dose is gradually increased by 7.5 mg daily upto 375mg OR
    •       Prydostigmine  60mg TDS OR
    •       Ambenonium: 7.5mg TDS
  • 2.      Ephedrine Sulphate: It is used as Adjuvant 50mg daily
  • 3.      Potassium Chloride: 2mg Daily as adjuvant
  • 4.      Predinisolone: 20-100mg daily is also beneficial.

Following drugs may further exaggerate myasthenis gravis symptoms:
1.      Aminglyoside Antibiotics like: Streptomycin, Neomycin, Gentamycin, Kenamycin, etc. 
       They block neuromuscular transmission.
2.      Quinidine, Quinine: They redices muscle membrane excitability.

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